Year Opened: 2001
Manufacturer: Arrow Dynamics / Morgan
Happy Hauntings: Closed
Phantom Fright Nights: Open
Holiday Lights: Closed
After the 2000 season, the Steel Phantom was heavily modified to create the Phantom’s Revenge. Along with the removal of all its inversions, the park extended the coaster’s second drop below the Thunderbolt to 228 feet and added plenty of banked curves and airtime hills. Now reaching speeds up to 85 mph, this coaster remains a crowd favorite of Kennywood guests. Phantom’s Revenge is often rated among the top ten steel coasters in the world.
Riders must be at least 48″ tall to ride.
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When I was a kid I went on this. The ride was sool cool
I love this ride so much. I know so much about this. I am only 9 years old and I will never go on the kiddie viresion again.
SO MUCH FUN! I was so scared my first time!! I think it is funny that the first hill is 160 ft. and the 2nd hill is 228 ft.! I was so scared I was going to throw up. But I didn’t (thankfully). When i got to the top of the chain lift I had a tears going down both eyes,but when i got to the bottom, they were gone! Because it was so fun and I wasn’t scared anymore and because on the 85 mph speeds! Loved the ride when it was over! I HIGHLY recommend it!!!