Steel Curtain and Steelers Country Construction Tour!

KPConnection was part of a tour hosted by Kennywood and the Western PA region of the American Coaster Enthusiasts this past Sunday, April 7, where we got to see progress on the park’s new coaster and expansion firsthand!

Roughly 100 people took advantage of this opportunity, and as photos from the event start to trickle their way onto the web, we decided to get our own shots to you as soon as we could. So, without further ado, let’s get to it!

Let’s start with our first impressions as we entered the park, where Steel Curtain immediately makes its presence known!

The proximity to Skycoaster Island makes for an interesting dynamic between what are now Kennywood's two tallest rides.
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Of course, Steel Curtain is only one piece of the expansion that is Steelers Country, so a large portion of the tour was spent looking around the new area in progress.

A VERY tight squeeze for the train to pass through...and this is just after the first drop, so you'll be speeding through at the ride's top speed of 76MPH!
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Perhaps the most striking parts of Steel Curtain exit Steelers Country and feed their way into the existing park, so we next got to examine the portion of the ride over the Lagoon.

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Last, but not least, here’s a few other miscellaneous developments we thought you might find interesting…

Kennywood's "Fanatic" souvenir cup has gotten a major upgrade for 2019. Now an insulated tumbler, it is good for use at Kennywood, Idlewild, Sandcastle AND Dutch Wonderland!
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Once again, we’d like to extend a hearty thank you to Kennywood and ACE Western PA for making this event possible. Don’t forget to discuss Steelers Country on our forums, on our Discord server, or on any of our social media. Of course, we’ll continue to keep you all updated as construction progresses, and with less than a month until opening day, be sure to expect more updates then!

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